Monthly Sydney Property Insights

Ending the green building movement as a distinct group is the only way for it to become successful, according to Matthew Trigg, a cities and urban policy specialist, for The Fifth Estate.

Green building means creating better or good-quality buildings. However, the green building movement could no longer meet expectations. Its core group consisting of green building professionals and experts were not well-equipped to deal with increasing energy costs, addressing climate change and increasing concern regarding environmental issues.

Today the green building movement has reached a global scale in which common tools are used to rate buildings, and its core group intends to further specialise their knowledge. However, there’s high rhetoric regarding its potential, low public literacy on green building, and the idea that it’s separate and not essential to everyday life.

Trigg said that it’s important to increase green building proficiency and literacy among people so that success can be achieved in saving energy and reducing carbon. Green building should become an essential and indispensable need for the public. By increasing literacy, people can compare buildings to each other without using rating tools.

The green building movement can become a success if proficiency is developed by integrating the best elements into the mainstream for supporting green building literacy. This empowers the public and ensures that they can push for the delivery of efficient, sustainable and regenerative built environments.



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