The Property Council of Australia’s Head of External and Government Affairs, Caryl Kakas, has some unexpected views on a range of contemporary issues.
She believes that through the use of a single rating tool, national harmonised standards of sustainability can be achieved for the residential market. Kakas also feels that the property industry and the broader cities agenda is disadvantaged because of the loss in the Upper House of Greens Senator Scott Ludlam.
However, Kakas believes that optimism about green housing in Australia is justified. The evidence for her belief is the minimal national sustainability standards which are soon expected and a process that will involve mandatory disclosure of home-based energy efficiency.
Despite Kakas’ positive outlook, a number of industry insiders emphasise that the minimum standards in place in some states are just too low. They report incidences of builders failing to build according to specifications and attempting to reduce costs through the use of cheap glazing and inadequate or non-existent insulation.
Kakas’ resolve is strong and she is confident of positive changes occurring during Tony Abbot’s leadership of the federal government.